The Secrets to Surviving This Epic Pandemic 

AKS/CP Maria Rosa (Bing) Nieva Carrion

As Asia today is in the midst of enormous changes, upheavals and developments in governments, businesses, way of life and differing mindsets of the youth like our Rotaractors and even the elderly among us Rotarians – we need to sit down, reflect and take stock of our strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities and threats- to become more aware that we need to adapt to a certain lifestyle in order to create a world that will survive this epic pandemic for us Rotarians and our families as well as the communities where we belong.

Allow me then to share with all of you my 4 Secrets of Survival also known as Secrets to Happiness

  1. The Attitude of Gratitude. We need to develop a grateful heart and a mindset that expresses appreciation for all the graces and blessings we have. First to God Who ensures we are safe and able to battle this pandemic with good health and a robust immune system. Next , to our dear families who keep us happy and cared for. Third are our closest Rotarian friends who take us for who we are and will be with us no matter what happens. A study was just released which reveals that the strongest predictors to a long and fruitful life are a loving, nurturing family. Second is a socially active lifestyle that keeps us attuned with current happenings with close friends who share interests and hobbies with us as well as projects that give significance and meaning to our lives as Rotarians. When we thank people for favors and thoughtful acts , we become happy with our serotonin and oxytocin in high gear.
  2. Live for the moment. We should all focus on the present life changing year. Let us do the best we can today because these 24 hours are all we have today. Let us do meaningful actions like the 7 areas of focus that will change us and those we touch forever. Let us enrich our lives by living today as if it were the last day of our lives. Let us smile more, laugh aloud, savor the food , hug tighter and love everyone around us with a song in our hearts and a glint of happiness in our eyes.
  3. Be kind to everyone; no matter what. Kindness will get us everywhere. Kindness will make miracles of our everyday lives. Being kind makes us happy and keeps us younger and healthier. The youth observes what we do, not what we say. So ; when we do kind acts in word and deed, the world becomes a better and kinder place despite this tumoultous crisis we are facing today. And the youth will copy what we do so the ripples of kindness creates a sphere of good that affects the universe in a dynamic, positive way. The energy of good pulsates so that it energizes and uplifts everyone around. 
  4. Look Within Ourselves. As our knowledge about the world expands with our experiences and the many books we read and the research we conduct, we can understand how our relationships evolve and pan out. We realize that our ” uniqueness” stems from our desire to distill the best, the good and the beautiful within ourselves and therefore our humanity shines through to touch others which enriches our lives and gives meaning to our existence. Because we are mindful of how others think and feel, we can identify with them and share our noble objectives that makes us all happier human beings. 

It is because of this mindful exchange of ideas and projects through our non- stop Zoom meetings that we can create happier and safer homes, notwithstanding this pandemic , an environmentally sounder community and a kinder more compassionate world. For truly it is when we have stretched our limits, broken through all the barriers that we are able to grasp what we thought was beyond our reach, that we become avatars , or the very embodiment of the causes and ideals we ultimately live and aspire for.