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Poultry raising 1

WCP/DAD  Girlie Segubre

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” Mathew 4:19

Creating a culture receptive to change is a necessity for every individual and likewise to a particular organization.  This includes how to alleviate the economic status of the people most especially those who are greatly affected by this pandemic. Different Rotary clubs worldwide is not an exemption since clubs all over the world work with communities to enhance economic and community development on the understanding that every community has different needs in different situations. Rotary clubs must create a culture receptive to change and projects to be implemented must be practical and helpful for survival but it also needs efforts on the part of the recipients.  

One of the best projects a club must attend to is the economic and community development of the particular area.  This will pave the way to economic recovery and improvement of economic status of the residents by being self-sufficient that will definitely increase the wealth of the community and in the same manner of the entire country. 

The Rotary Club of Carmona headed by the Life Changing President, Patrick Doloroso chose to help the less fortunate families at Ibaan Batangas to augment their daily needs and to alleviate their economic status.  After doing an assessment of the background of the two families, the club decided to venture on swine raising and poultry raising (chicken and ducks) to start a business. Based on studies, swine raising and poultry raising in the Philippines has been  profitable business for Filipinos through decades and mostly these are evidently seen among backyards of rural families. Here are the project details:


Recipient No.1: Mr. Romualdo and Mrs. Azon De Castro

Overview:   De Castro was a backyard hog and swine raiser and merely relying on their produced livestock for their living. However,  African Swine Flu (ASF) virus pandemic struck nationwide in the Philippines last year, 2020 that started in  Luzon, and spread throughout Visayas and Mindanao.  All of their pigs  were affected by  ASF virus and the business totally perished.  To give the family the hope to rise  and start their business again the club through the kindness and generosity of LCP Patrick Doloroso extended his assistance  by donating the following:

  • 5 piglets: P20,000
  • Cash for Feeds: P26,000

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For the return of investment, the family is expected to be self-reliant to support their needs. After 4 months they can use the money again to buy another batch of fattener to sustain their backyard business.


Recipient No. 2 :  Joel Baterzal

Overview:  Joel worked as a  helper of Mr. De Castro in their backyard pig raising, however he became jobless because of the impact of ASF that caused to the closure of the  small business. LCP Patrick extended assistance to him as follows: 

  • 25 native chicken & chicks
  • 7 Ducks
  • Cash for feeds: P2,000.00 

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Native chicken and ducks were given since these  only need small amount of feeds.  They rely mostly on natural feeds on the their surroundings thus categorizing  them as free range Chicken which can be sold in the market much higher than the usual ordinary raised chicken.

Poultry Raising 2

LCP Patrick and the Rotary Club of Carmona wish that both families will experience and celebrate the joy of living.