Rotary’s Treasures

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PP Penny Taringting
Rotary Club of Intramuros-Manila

The exemplary performance and profound achievement of the Rotary Club of Intramuros of District 3810 are undying legacies and manifestations that, indeed, the people behind it have heartily and unconditionally invested an extra mile of their concerted efforts and dedication in serving the less-privileged Filipinos. As such, they are considered as Rotary’s treasures. And in sustaining such a remarkable and successful humanitarian endeavor via sustainable and transformational plans and projects, a most efficient and effective brand of leadership has become its lighthouse and roadmap towards achieving its goals and objectives; thus, we call this form of leadership – visionary and holistic leadership. Along with this school of thought, it is worth mentioning that since the Rotary Club of Intramuros was organized by the Rotary Club of Manila (First Rotary Club in Asia organized in 1919) on March 4, 1981, our governor and club presidents until this 40th Founding Anniversary year 2021, and even in this pandemic period, have been continuously visioning. In short, they have that “vision of a seer and a voice of a prophet.”

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This strategic visioning is basically anchored on holistically functioning where participation, collaboration, coordination, commitment, and open communication are the avenues in achieving its planned programs and services in the service areas.

The notable motto of the Rotary International, Service Above Self, is honestly and humbly unequaled in the history of humankind since it is biblically anchored on, “What you have done to the least of my brethren, you have done it unto ME.” What an inspiring milestone for all members of the Rotary Club of Intramuros, who are considered the ever-shining gems and treasures of the Rotary Club. Indeed, all officers and members of all Rotary Clubs in District 3810 are treasures that God has chosen from among the multitude of Filipinos who are alive today to carry the torch of HIS love and kindness to the marginalized people in our society, especially at these trying moments in our lives due to the onslaught of COVID-19 internationally.

Finally, the four great ideals of Rotary International presented in an interrogative form, such as “Is it the truth?”, “Is it fair to all concerned?”, “Will it build goodwill and understanding?”, and “Is it beneficial to all?” will remain a philosophical standpoint to the Rotary Club of Intramuros in particular and District 3810 in general in their quest for a better service to humanity.