Rotaract PESETS 2021: Life Changing!

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LCP Kristine Kyla C. Sabate
Rotaract Club of Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Inspiring, Championing, Transforming, and Life-Changing. Aside from these being the themes ever since I joined Rotaract, they also described what I felt during the 3 days, 2 nights Rotaract Presidents-Elect and Secretaries-Elect Training Seminar (PESETS) 2021 held from May to June 2021 via Zoom.

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It was not what I expected.

I would think that my being in Rotaract for years would have equipped me with the essential knowledge of being a Rotaractor, but I was mistaken. During the training, I learned more about Rotary International and Rotaract, like I am hearing them for the first time.

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Day 1, with its title “The Big Picture,” did give me a bigger picture of what is in store for me for the Life-Changing Year. I was inspired while listening to different Rotarians and Rotaractors from the District. They gave us tips on how to become more effective. “Focus, hard work, passion, tibay ng loob” were enumerated by DCC Boy Kaw in his message about how we become better leaders. During the first day, I also learned about increasing our competencies as Pilipinas Rotaract MDIO Chair Louie de Real talked about Elevate Rotaract.

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Same with the first day, Day 2, “The Nitty Gritties,” focused on strengthening our capacities as leaders. Incoming Rotaract District Publications Deputy Director Ae Laudencia gave a comprehensive talk on improving our club’s branding, which helps widen our reach, especially for clubs who are only at the start of their journey. Furthermore, Incoming DRR Leah Detruz explained the ins and outs of the RI portal in the first breakout room composed of the Presidents-Elect. On the other hand, Incoming District Secretary Jefferson Arcangel and Incoming District Deputy Secretary Coleene Villanueva discussed with the Secretaries-Elect how to construct their respective club reports.

Finally, on day 3, “The Road Map,” PEs, SEs, TPs, and PNs of each Rotaract club were invited to discuss the five-year Rotaract Club Action Plan. Afterward, each club was divided into breakout rooms to devise its own action plans.

Contrary to Days 1 to 3, Night 1, “The Pajama Party,” and Night 2, “The Area Mixer,” revealed a different aspect of what it is like to be a Rotaractor. As a very outgoing person, I have been looking forward to these fellowship nights to know more about my classmates. The Champion in me really went all-in during the games, which led me to win twice. Needless to say, I really had fun with the PESETS Nights.

I confess I entered PESETS Day 1 just for the sake of compliance. After completing PESETS 2021, I feel like I have come away transformed into the best Rotaractor I can be. Kudos to the RI District 3810 Rotaract District Committee for pulling off a very organized program. My hopes for the future of my club as well as of the District were ignited.

As we yelled for the last time, “PESETS 2021: Life-Changing,” I hope we’ll be able to embody the true meaning
of change by being changemakers ourselves this Life-Changing Rotary Year.