Note from the Editor – September 2021

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Growing up using a typewriter in school to embrace the warp speed of the dot-com generation has been exciting.

We pick up something new every day which we try to use for the good. It is the season for preparing academic modules and conducting online classes. Rotarians innovate literacy service projects to address diverse needs from scholarship to gadgets. 

For the month focusing on pedagogy, we ask ourselves what we already know and how willing we are to learn. This issue features lessons on Public Image, Agripreneurship, and significant club initiatives. We overcome pandemic and typhoon challenges to help others be more proficient and that includes ourselves.

The reality now is becoming more digital.  I remember feeling confused with educational technology. Thank you to great mentors. “Noong panahon namin” is a classic reference for nostalgia, but it is important to open our minds to possibilities.

We are familiar with the issues of quality and equity of education. There are short-term solutions, but we should work on sustainable operations and grounded policies. Read these stories to inspire on how to improve the educational system for kids and adults. 

Our responsibility is adapting the ultramodern to time-tested competency models. I still write notes when I study. I am fascinated with data science in the VUCA world. I always engage and reflect before I decide on my truth.  As People of Action, we take, answer, and live with the Four-Way Test seriously.

Teaching is a mutual process. Our vocation is lifelong learning as I adapt to the needs of my students. Whether it is designing interactive curricula or attending to mental health needs, let us develop deep understanding. Let us keep discovering. Knowledge and compassion are meant to be shared and to change lives.