Note from the Editor – December 2021

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We are at a period of a great reset, especially for healthcare.

As the country benefits from the improved pandemic actions, our primary concern is managing the health crisis until a state of normalcy. The recovery of the business and education sectors impacts our acts of goodwill on how we prioritize donations such as medical supplies and learning gadgets. There are bright spots of having a cheerful holiday season with our combined efforts. What is critical is the sustainable action on vaccination based on wise decisions.

Our service projects need to pivot amidst health protocols. Alongside the global campaign of Rotary International on End Polio Now, we are as motivated to address local medical concerns. District 3810 Rotarians have been at the forefront of Disease Prevention and Treatment as a key Area of Focus from fieldwork to webinars.

This issue features excellent initiatives and partnerships on vaccination, cancer awareness, anti-rabies, mental health, mobility project, bloodletting, and innovation of livelihood to achieve excellent public health. We continue to adapt which benefits our leadership skills and community projects. We realize the value of our roles in providing viable service when communities improve, thus we do more.

As diverse as we are, we uphold the values of equity and inclusivity. When we design projects, we consider the needs of our beneficiaries as we reflect on our capabilities and sensibilities. Mutual respect is a must for all stakeholders to fulfill our service obligations.

We may think that we are blessed to have been spared from any major health condition but prevention and awareness are definitely important. To those who survived, be benevolent role models. Everyone is vulnerable and this is where we need to step up and be consistent with our health advocacies.

I am confident that the pandemic is teaching us significant life lessons on self-care, mortality, and hope. This is a reminder of how we value our loved ones as well as those individuals who need our help. It is the element of generosity that truly saves humanity.

Let us help each other heal so we can change more lives. This is always easier said than done, but let us try. A thriving society is attainable when each member possesses a healthy mind, heart, and spirit.

Yours in Rotary Service,

SDG Kenneth Jamandre
RI D3810 | RY 2021-2022