A member decided to leave our club after two years. This surprised me because I knew of the person’s qualifications and passion to serve. This also bothered me on what could have been and perhaps, what can still be done to convince a promising Rotarian to stay.
We are 1.2 million strong worldwide with almost 3,000 Rotarians in District 3810. We all know we can do better in engagement. We agree on the recurring goals on recruitment and retention, especially in this unique period of history. Our membership programs have evolved including attendance in meetings, corporate type, even passport clubs.
For this issue, we present the new normal initiatives in membership led by DG Robert Koa and the Membership Development Committee. The major district activities from the Handover to the Youth and Environment are featured to promote the empowerment of host clubs. There are success stories and insights on adaptability. Alongside “problem” solving are prevention and innovation with regard to member orientation and public image. I believe we can go beyond looking at numbers and reports and focus more on the meaning of commitment. Whichever methods are chosen, let us remember the essence of relationship development.
More than a century of Rotary all over the world has shown that a key goal in thriving clubs is strengthening membership. As we continue a year of service, let us sincerely listen to our members who may then be inspired to lead projects, organize fellowships, and invite more.
How we answered why we joined Rotary may be easily shown with a smile. Then we smile a little more when we reflect on why we stayed. Hopefully, we have happy tears and a comforting feeling when convincing others to change lives. Sometimes, we also wonder, frown, and despair when we encounter difficulties. It may help to be open-minded in understanding their expectations, eventually meeting their needs and beyond.
After extra efforts and genuine fellowship, my friend stayed in our club. How exactly do we replicate this? The answer lies in how our fellow leaders role model our organizational principles. Groups naturally start strong with shared common vision, and let us also transform as needed. As you read through the pages, take time to review your club’s history by appreciating its rich charter adventures.
Let us understand the core value of having dedicated members that lead to strong clubs for the longevity of Rotary.