My Rotary Life


LCP Carisa Daño

For most people, when you say Rotary, the name really speaks for itself. Volunteerism and serving to change lives! Many of us would ask, am I really a Rotarian? Why do we keep on asking and questioning ourselves with this question? This is a difficult question that brings you to assess yourself. Sometimes comparing yourself to other respected Rotarians and wondering if you possess the same qualities they have.

Sometimes it pulls you down and sometimes it pulls you up. Similar to a pendulum that swings you up and down. It matters how to face the people around you when you’re up or down. What really matter most is the way you value the one-year privilege of being a club president of you to be of help to the most needy. But another question has to be considered too; how can you help freely if you need to help yourself first? Not all Rotarians are fortunate to have millions in their pockets to help. I have learned that this is not all about money. This is about your courage to help, which is already embedded in your heart.  But not once or twice you think of being practical, that helping is about helping your own soul to reach the highest potential place in God’s kingdom. In reality, by helping you are not only favoring someone else, you are not only favoring the needy but you are just helping yourself too.


Life is not that easy, but Rotary life is beautiful. We create stories. We make an impact on the lives of others. We gather. We help hand in hand. We make friends and we make connections. We do recognize that red is red and blue is blue until we surpassed the real essence of being a Rotarian.

We need to continue and nurture the legacy of the founder, Mr. Paul Harris’ motto, “Service Above Self” for Rotary International as an international service organization whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service and to advance goodwill and peace around the world.

This makes me realize that I should thank AG Reynaldo Daño, my husband who introduced me to Rotary and sponsored me to Rotary Club of Pasay Business District. I am forever grateful for sharing me how Rotary life could make our lives purposeful, meaningful, and colorful.