JEPROCS hold 25th Joint Handover and Induction

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JEPROCS Chair LCP Peaches Pasion

‘’If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.’’

Our JEPROCS 25th Joint Handover and Induction virtual event last October 1st was a gathering of leaders among leaders with one great purpose. That day was a true testament that a united organization can weather any hurdle and that anybody with a genuine goal can come together no matter how difficult the path is.

Though I personally attest that I could not understand myself why I was more anxious on that event compared to a physical one. We were all like kids once again in those few hours waiting for our queue in a theatre play. I cannot stop myself from imagining how my mates are doing behind the scenes like mischievous children but when we said action, they shifted into being the mighty leaders of their respective Rotary Clubs.

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We may have done the virtual way this Rotary Year but we made sure not to miss the important moments for JEPROCS including the entertainment part. I seriously believe we nailed that socially distanced dance number! Congratulations also to our digital raffle winners. We still got to witness the early birds or the most excited ones, I must say, on that event. Having a total of 130 participants is a tough feat in times like this when assemblies are not allowed, and technology is not much of a friend to some of us.

During the induction, it dawned upon me the sincere intent of the leaders who organized the JEPROCS. It was a meticulous process on the inside, but the result is now a vibrant unity of all Pasay Rotary Clubs.

To me, the greatest takeaway from our JEPROCS Handover for this RY is your effort and dedication to help our October 1st event become a success. I saw how established and unified we were, the contribution of concepts, the meeting of the minds, and how we seriously managed to learn to communicate virtually given our known comfort zones to the common platforms.

Our heartfelt thanks to DG Robert Koa, PDG Francisco Atayde, PDG Concepcion Beltran-De Venecia, PDG Ernesto Choa, PDG Roberto Pagdanganan, DGE Joyce Ambray and to all members of D3810 Executive Committee and most especially to all LCPs of Pasay and their clubs for being a valuable part in this momentous 25th year of JEPROCS.

Once again, thank you to our District Governor Koa for giving us your valuable time and guidance. Your message will always be an inspiration to us like a father teaching his children to dance with uniform steps in the same tune of helping others and the tune of Serving to Change Lives.

As I always say, I look up to the men and women who came before me in RC Pasay Cyber City and JEPROCS. Thank you for putting together such a brilliant organization. From the new members to the major mentors and leaders, these are all the giants I am standing on to see and go further with our cause.