Greetings in Rotary spirit and welcome to the new Rotary Year!
As the Life-Changing Year becomes official, so is our vow to stay true to our theme: “Serve to Change Lives”. As your Life-Changing District Governor, I envision our year to be life-changing to the families we give hope to, to every child we allow to dream, to every community we nurture, and to a better future we are cultivating for the coming generations.
It is my vision for this year to be a life-changing experience for us Rotarians as well. That the work where we pledged to dedicate ourselves to is not only about building facilities, or donating this and that, or accomplishing district goals and challenges, but rather about creating chances. That Rotary is about translating our generosity to opportunity, so that people who are in need get a chance to live an enriching, hopeful, and better future.
For more than a century now, Rotary has been consistent in its vow of creating a positive impact to the world through its various advocacies and service projects. The impact we make can be seen in numbers and statistics, but I believe it is more than that. Impact is every rekindled dream of children who have once lost their hope; every family that is able to survive because of livelihood opportunities that we provide; every clean glass of drinking water; every new home for shelter; every classroom and more. Impact is the way we change the lives of the people we serve.
The Governor’s Monthly Letter will be the District’s means to communicate with you about the updates and progress about the Life-Changing Year. For this month of July, my office and District are almost done with the transition phase and have begun planning strategies to increase our outcomes as an organization. We are in the process of institutionalizing an orientation program for new members to increase our membership and retention. In addition to this are strategies to achieve a 100% contribution to The Rotary Foundation, and encourage each club to pioneer a project to support the environment and empower girls.
Every issue of our Governor’s Monthly Letter is not only a compilation of the activities and events that we are holding every month, rather it is a testament that our organization is alive, working, and making the change it wants to see in the world. I have entrusted this publication to a team that I believe can perfectly manage and encourage all clubs to contribute to each edition not for the purpose of showing off but to immortalize their noble work as Rotarians and hopefully inspire one another to innovate and amplify our cause.
I am looking forward to seeing your stories of hope and change. Here’s to changing lives. Here’s to service above self.
God bless us all.
Robert G. Koa
District Governor