LCP Nick Lim
To kick-off the Rotary Year 2021-2022 with the theme “Serve to Change Lives”, our Life Changing President Nick Lim together with the RCBM Troopers, RCBM Anns and the Rotaract San Antonio de Padua bonded together for a Feeding and Gift-giving Program last July 1 as early as 9:00 A.M. held at the Malate Catholic School for Boys located at 2115 Madre Ignacia St. Malate, Manila.
In support for the Rotary Soup Kitchen which aims to serve food to the hungry and to the less fortunate, we prepared hot and nutritious rice porridge (lugaw) with vegetable spring roll (lumpia) that is a stomach friendly to ease hunger for the 300 residents of Malate. Food was distributed with strict compliance to health protocols against COVID-19. Troopers also prepared 300 bags of groceries for the families to aid their daily needs to sustain the family for a few days.
The essence of feeding and gift giving programs helps sustain the community against the perils of hunger and uncertainties since we are still in pandemic. The small tokens for the 300 residents are highly appreciated from the glow and enthusiasm from their reaction during the feeding and gift giving program making our efforts all well worth it.
We are delighted with the full support of the RCBM Troopers, RCBM Anns and the Rotaractors from San Antonio de Padua made this day a success and fulfilling event. We look forward to more beneficial projects and programs for the community as we welcome the new Rotary Year for 2021-2022.
We are committed to Serve to Change Lives!