PP Cecilia Larita
Membership is the greatest asset of every Rotary Club. It is the backbone of every Rotary Club in the delivery of the Basic Rotary Services to the community where it is needed the most. For quite some time now, clubs have become smaller and club membership becomes older. These are the reasons that Rotary International President-Elect Shekhar Mehta encouraged the District Governors Elect during the International Assembly, to stop recruiting but instead to start attracting to Do More and Grow Rotary More.
Many of the older generations of Rotarians are leaving Rotary because they retire, leave their careers, or pass away. It is also because of an old concept, like the barkada or buddy system, that people or like-minded individuals hang out but leave once that barkada or buddy system is dissolved.
To address this situation, RIP Shekhar Mehta calls on each Rotarian to bring one new member to the club and for the club to host an event that is appealing not only to the members but also to the invited guests as prospective club members. These club events will give a glimpse of what your Rotary Club is doing and the fun experiences that will be derived in joining your club.
The use of modern means of communication is a great help to do more and grow more in club membership. Text messaging to connect to non-active members and even to future members will make them aware or be reminded of your club. A marketing strategy done to increase club awareness will be beneficial for membership growth.
Implementation of learning opportunities that helps in career development or providing opportunities by making one part of something worthwhile and meaningful will surely attract new members and old members alike to continue to be in the club.
There must be a periodical re-evaluation of the club value proposition. Know exactly what the members want. Ask them. Allow the members to see the world differently and meaningfully. Awaken the members’ curiosity. Challenge them to think, to learn, and to listen to their ideas on how to be part of the club in the delivery of service it ought to those in need.
Allow them to bring their family in some club fellowship and even service. Emphasize time over treasure. Make every club meeting fully alive. Make every club meeting productive. Make each meeting conversational and less formal.
Yes let us Serve and Change Lives, but first, we must Grow more and Do more in our Club Membership Growth.