DISTRICT MEMORANDUM NO. 3 – District Governor Nominee E-Voting


TO: Life Changing Presidents and Rotarians of District 3810
FROM: DG Robert G. Koa
SUBJECT: District Governor Nominee E-Voting
DATE: 20 September 2021

Greetings in the name of Rotary!

Thank you for your patience while Rotary International is working through your club e-voting for the District Governor Nominee for Rotary Year 2024-2025.

The e-voting link will be sent via email by RI for which voting should be done during the 15-day period before the link expires.

As a guide, please find below the following E-Voting Do’s and Don’ts for your information:

1. Do not provide access to either your email address or the e-voting link (when the elections will start) to any other individual. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. This can be considered a serious breach of trust.

2. The onus of preserving the passwords lie solely on you and under no circumstances will any communication be taken into cognizance about misuse/hacking of the same.

3. E-voting links will be provided only to club presidents and it is strongly recommended that voting be done in front of the Board/General body. This will ensure transparency and will also help in avoiding any allegations against you about the voting.

4. Email communications about complaints on election process should not be sent to Rotary leaders viz. RI President, General Secretary, Board and Trustees; which spoils the reputation of our country and negates the great humanitarian effort being put in by Rotarians. Please try and resolve internally within the District.

Please be guided accordingly.


Yours in Rotary service,

Robert Koa